a5c7b9f00b A precocious kid and a police officer join forces to catch a criminal at large. To the concerned parent. Clearly this girl &quot;identifies&quot;a much older woman,wella professional law enforcement officer. Obviously she is neither. I suppose that is why they intended this film to be for families and gave it a PG rating. Not to mention, Lou Diamond Phillips is a pure Gentleman. I see no harm here. <br/><br/>Move along. <br/><br/>Good Day. <br/><br/>Jack A bit shocked to watch a great actor suchLou Diamonds Phillips in this kind of movie. <br/><br/>To my taste it i a 4/10, I have seen much better family movies but from this point of view I would give a 5/10.<br/><br/>It is OK overall. The drones are quite good and give an edge to the film.<br/><br/>Lovely relationship between the two protagonists.
tuffmyvorpa Admin replied
338 weeks ago